Cat Ballou Zitate

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Cat Ballou Zitate: A Classic Western Movie with Memorable Quotes


Cat Ballou is a classic western comedy movie that was released in 1965. The movie stars Jane Fonda as Catherine "Cat" Ballou, a schoolteacher turned outlaw who seeks revenge against the man who killed her father. The movie is known for its witty and memorable quotes that have become popular over the years. In this article, we will explore some of the best Cat Ballou zitate in Deutsche.

"Ich bin keine Dame, ich bin eine Frau!"

This quote is one of the most famous lines from the movie. It translates to "I am not a lady, I am a woman!" and is spoken by Cat Ballou when she is mistaken for a lady. This line reflects the strong and independent nature of the character and has become a popular quote among fans of the movie.

"Ich habe noch nie einen Mann getroffen, den ich nicht töten könnte."

This quote translates to "I have never met a man I couldn't kill" and is spoken by Kid Shelleen, a drunken gunfighter who is hired by Cat Ballou to help her get revenge. The line is a testament to Kid's skills as a gunslinger and has become a popular quote among fans of the movie.

"Wenn du schon sterben musst, warum nicht sterben wie ein Mann?"

This quote translates to "If you have to die, why not die like a man?" and is spoken by Clay Boone, a hired killer who is sent to kill Cat Ballou. The line reflects the macho culture of the western genre and has become a popular quote among fans of the movie.

"Ich bin ein Mann von Prinzipien... fast jedenfalls."

This quote translates to "I am a man of principles... almost." and is spoken by Kid Shelleen when he is asked why he drinks so much. The line reflects Kid's humorous and laid-back personality and has become a popular quote among fans of the movie.

Comments from Fans

"I love Cat Ballou! It's such a fun movie with memorable quotes." "Jane Fonda was amazing in this movie, and the quotes are just classic." "I've watched this movie so many times, and I never get tired of the zitate. They're just so witty and hilarious."


Cat Ballou is a classic western movie that has stood the test of time. Its memorable quotes have become popular among fans of the movie and are still quoted today. Whether you're a fan of western movies or just looking for a good laugh, Cat Ballou is definitely worth watching.

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