Das Brandneue Testament Zitate

DAS BRANDNEUE TESTAMENT Trailer 2 German Deutsch (2015) YouTube
DAS BRANDNEUE TESTAMENT Trailer 2 German Deutsch (2015) YouTube from www.youtube.com

Das brandneue Testament Zitate: A Unique Perspective on Life and Religion


Das brandneue Testament, or The Brand New Testament, is a Belgian-French comedy-drama film that explores the idea of a new testament, written by God's daughter, Ea. The film offers a unique perspective on life, religion, and the human condition that has captured the attention of audiences worldwide. The film has inspired many people to think critically about their beliefs and the way they live their lives. In this article, we will explore some of the most powerful Das brandneue Testament zitate, or quotes, that can help us to understand the film's message and apply it to our lives.

Das brandneue Testament Zitate: Words of Wisdom

"God exists, he lives in Brussels. He's a real bastard, he's totally mean to his wife and daughter. His son is a loser and his daughter is a rebel." This is the opening line of the movie, and it sets the tone for what follows. In the film, God is portrayed as a flawed, human-like character, who is far from perfect. This quote reminds us that we should not put our faith blindly in any authority figure, whether it be a religious leader or a political figure. "Everyone is born with the right to be happy." This quote reminds us that happiness is a fundamental right that we all deserve, regardless of our background, beliefs, or social status. It encourages us to pursue happiness in our own lives and to help others do the same. "Life is too short to be taken seriously." This quote reminds us that we should not take life too seriously, and that we should enjoy the time we have on this earth. It encourages us to take risks, try new things, and not be afraid to fail.

Comments from Viewers

The film has received a lot of positive feedback from viewers around the world. Many people have praised the film for its unique perspective on religion and its thought-provoking storyline. One viewer said, "This film is a masterpiece. It challenges our beliefs and makes us think about our place in the world." Another viewer commented, "The Brand New Testament is a movie that makes you laugh, cry and think. It's a must-see for anyone who wants to explore the deeper questions of life."


Das brandneue Testament offers a fresh perspective on life, religion, and the human condition. The film's powerful quotes remind us that we should not blindly follow authority figures, that happiness is a fundamental right, and that we should enjoy life to the fullest. The film has inspired many people to think critically about their beliefs and to live their lives with purpose and meaning. If you haven't seen it yet, we highly recommend that you give it a watch.

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